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Unveiling Varèse at Definitive


30th October 2024


Bellevue, Washington

You are invited to a special Unveiling Event of dCS Varèse at Definitive, hosted at their stunning high-end store.

dCS Technical Director Andy McHarg and Director of Sales for North America Emron Mangelson will be in attendance to present and answer questions, providing insights into the technology behind our groundbreaking new design.

Three 45-minute listening sessions will be followed by detailed Q&As.

Definitive Seattle Experience Center

14405 Northeast 20th Street


WA 98007

Wednesday 30th October: 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 6:00pm

"Experience music with a level of clarity and detail that only dCS can deliver....a rare opportunity to explore the nuances of sound at a depth that will truly redefine your listening experience."

Limited are spaces available, book your preferred slot via Eventbrite here.